Shango will brings justice via lightning and he protects his followers from evil. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. By far the most important theme that we need to mention about the Yoruba religion is the idea of Animism. This is because that number is an incomprehensible number for the Yoruba people, which in turn implies that there are an infinite number of gods in this pantheon. Which Orishas would this be? 8 chapters | The History of Guns, Greek Mythology: Stories, Characters, Gods, and Culture, Aztec Mythology: Important Stories and Characters, Greek Gods and Goddesses: Family Tree and Fun Facts, Roman Gods and Goddesses: The Names and Stories of 29 Ancient Roman Gods, Olodumare and his Journey Away from Earth, The Trojan War: Ancient Historys Famed Conflict, iPhone History: A Timeline of Every Model in Order, US History Timeline: The Dates of Americas Journey, Ancient Civilizations Timeline: 16 Oldest Known Cultures From Around The World, Why Are Hot Dogs Called Hot Dogs? As such, the more you look at it, the more interesting these African cultures get, as their religious beliefs are very different from ours. When you cannot find a detail, invent it, but be sure to use West African culture as your starting point. Rest assured that we are ALL children of The Divine, and the form that It chooses to present Itself is only to appease us as human beings for our limited capacity of understanding the unknown. Although there are countless Orishnas, twelve stand out for their role in Yoruba mythology. Is Yoruba the Definitive African Religion? I am fascinated w the orishas. However, African religions do include a much larger number of lesser gods, spirits, or other supernatural beings. Nearly every culture associates rivers with something benevolent. These oral traditions were passed from generation to generation and were often narrated by a designated storyteller called a ''griot''. Beyoncs been identifying with her for years. If you try to dwell on it too much, you will lose the message that is trying to be sent to you. Ala is a goddess in Igbo mythology from eastern Nigeria. There are three different ways you can cite this article. Discover the various gods and goddesses of West African mythology. Obatala was tasked with creating the world but got distracted at a party and could not fulfill their duties. Deities and gods represented the religious beliefs of the group. Did they appear to you during meditation? How do I banish an attached spirit ? After all, they are essential natural resources giving way to life thriving within its banks. I have question that I hope you wont mind answering. Keep he and Ogun far away from each other! Often times referred to as the Child of God, Obatala is known as the kindest god in the pantheon, even though they are seen a lot of the times next to their father, the powerful Olorun. Yemaya has been portrayed as the wife of Obatala and the mother of other powerful orishas like Shango and Oya. This was so affirming for me personally and spiritually. Since his abode was the skies, he separated them and himself from the Earth and hence controlled the world from a cosmic distance. Judika Iles warns in her Encyclopedia of Spirits, that if youre bleeding in any form to NEVER approach Ogun. The Seven African Powers are these seven Orishas: Eshu Elegbara, Ogun, Obatala, Yemaya, Oshun, Shango and Oya. Oya is the goddess of weather, especially tornadoes, lightning, destructive rainstorms, and fire. After that, it appears that Oya became my patron because I could only focus on her. Obatala is an Orisha of the Seven African Powers known as a cool spirit of healing and peace. She is a specific deity among the Yoruba people of Nigeria. After his death, he was deified as an orisha. Imbolc - Feb 2nd Ostara - Mar 21st/22nd Beltane - April 30th/May 1st Lithia - June 21st/22nd Lammas - July 31st/Aug 1st Mabon - Sept 21st/22nd New. Id like to invoke all 7 spirits to assist in my plight and once and for all rid myself of these spiritual attacks or at least be better prepared when adversity comes. I guess in a sense I want to avoid offending any of them while trying to connect. Ase & Namaste , This is a blessing to hear. Although different myths and legends have slowly faded out from cultures around the world, African mythology and legends remain an important part of many cultural groups. Offer of flowers, fresh fruit, pigeons, and necklaces made of coins and shells are given to Aje Shaluga. I love the fact that we are getting back to what has been taking from us. When I did my DNA, it did confirm Banta, Nigeria, and Congo. Goddess Xochiquetzal Mythology & Symbol | Who is Xochiquetzal? Hes Bumba, also known as Mbombo, is the creator god of the Kuba people in Central Africa. It goes as far back as the 9th century, way before the first Europeans set sail on the countrys shores. Intention is energy, spirit is energy. Followers of Babal Ay offer him things like white wine and grains. Ammon, the God of life. Northern Hemisphere. It is likely that you are more familiar with Greek mythology than with the gods of the Yoruba pantheon. This duality of vulnerability to conditions and protection against them makes up the next Orisha. They are similar but not quite the same. I have a question I am worshiping both Oya and Oshun, From this, I have learned that they do not like each other is it okay that Im Worshiping both-? His green skin symbolizes rebirth Sub-Saharan Africa African deities Alusi Yoruba deities Afro-American religion Loa Orisha Asia [ edit] Caucasus Armenian deities Georgian deities Vainakh deities Central Asia Turkic deities East Asia Chinese deities Referred to as the all-knowing, Olorun is the most powerful and wisest god among the Yoruba people of West Africa. I am a little somewhat afraid to just start all out practicing Voodoo & calling out to the Orishas, but I realize that its partly because of the demonization of white oppressors. in Psychology with a minor in Diversity Studies from Michigan Technological University and her M.S. Their brother, Oduduwa, created the world instead. Trickster gods are present in many cultures around the world. This power is often connected to dances conveying threatening gestures in rituals dedicated to this thunderous deity. Ive found a few 7 African Powers candles at Walmart in the candle aisle for a dollar a piece. This is where Ogun comes in. Oshun is typically associated with water, purity, love, and sensuality. She is strikingly similar to Dionysus, the Greek goddess of wine and fertility. These deities, who I believe that your dream was a sign. Eshu is commonly known among the Yoruba people of Nigeria as the trickster god who serves as a messenger between heaven and earth. The Orishas are a group of spirits originating from Yorubaland, which is a region in Africa spanning Nigeria, Benin and Togo. West Africa is anything but peaceful, as war can break out at any point between tribes, which is why steel is a more useful keeper of peace than words will ever be. Oya was barren but rid the world of barrenness when she made a sacrifice from cloth representing each color of the rainbow. Your intention is what matters the most. As they migrated and settled in new homelands, they created myths and legends to tell the story of the history of their people. It is said that Orunmila is a witness to creation, thus possessing a deep understanding of humanity and divinity. If Apophis was not defeated, the planet would be in terrible danger. And then Ill follow with the female ones, the Orisha Goddesses. thank you so much for the time you put into this. Ogo is represented as the ''pale fox''. The two walk together as their thunderstorms destroy everything in sight. He is not depicted as the devil himself. The concept of destiny is gazed upon in awe by all those who truly place their faith in it. Although a few are maleCupid in particular come to mind, thanks to Valentine's Daymost are female, because the institution of marriage has long been viewed as the domain of women. 1. Although Eshu serves Ifa, the chief god, in some myths, Eshu often plays tricks on Ifa with one being tricking Ifa out of the secrets of divination and another telling a story of Eshu stealing a yam from the high god. Spirits are less grand, less powerful, and less like humans than the gods, who often have weaknesses and emotions. When you burn the candle and pray over it, youre invoking ALL the Orishas powers and covering all of your bases for prosperity and protection. The Yoruba, Dogon, and Kuba peoples of Africa worshipped many deities or orishas. Modern African American, Afro-Caribbean, South American and many other magical people feel called to work with the Orishas, including the Seven African Powers. I started crying out to God for help on this earth because I was experiencing what youre experiencing. Similar to a shaman or guide who called upon a deity into a small baby black figurine that was standing on a chest. Trickster gods are present in many Ogun, the Master of Iron. Oshun is the Goddess of love, freedom, fertility, and water. A lifelong fan of mythology and all things ancient, Adrian has always been fascinated by the rich stories and legends of different cultures, and he loves nothing more than diving into a good mythological tale. Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. It is a fantastic place to start taking in the sheer size of the beliefs of the ancient civilizations living on such a diverse continent. An armory provides the means to defend oneself from the dangers of the outside world. To clarify you DO NOT have to be initiated in order to connect with the spirits of the Orishas. This site is hard to text w a phone, so I hope I hear back from anyone of you. Yemaya is known as the Patron Spirit of the Ocean and the Rivers, and she is the main deity that the Yoruba people pray to when they set sail. Also commonly referred to as Mbombo, Bumba is actually the creator god of the Kuba people from Central Africa. Id lime to learn more about my ancestors beliefs etc. Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde Islands, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czech I was frightened when the baby started crawling up my body, but the guide told me to not be afraid and the Orisha god transformed into a small kitten and lay next to me which calmed me down. Although Nana Buluku did not have a direct role in creation, she is referred to as the supreme goddess and represents motherhood. Africa is easily one of the most diverse and beautiful places on our planet, but its not exactly as popular as other tourist destinations around the world. Still, He is believed to be more than capable of bringing adversity to those that do not take note of his presence. Using oils, incense and soaps specifically created with the energy of the 7 African Powers will bless any ritual or spell you do. Because of her affiliation with water, protection, and fertility, Yemonja is considered to be the most nurturing of the orishas. The Goddess Cybele in Mythology | Who Was Cybele? Chaac, Mayan Rain God | Mythology, Images & Facts, African Religions & Spirituality | History, Beliefs & Gods, Atum Egyptian God | Story, Creation & Facts, Ancient Egyptian God Khepri | Mythology, Symbol & Facts. Asian lineage is african descent as well. Im not black. I need help on my spiritual journey, any suggestions? Its Yemoja not Yemaya please shes called Yemoja in Africa. The belief in reincarnation is linked to ideas from their ancestors. Osanyin has his own herb garden where he can provide the appropriate plant for medical use or food consumption. The oral traditions told by the griots often included powerful deities and gods, spirits, ancestors, and rulers and heroes. How does Santeria differ from Yoruba religious practice? I would prefer to learn it also orally so I actually know the original sound and tonation of their name. I feel them with me daily !!! Moreover, the Orishas are spirits (more similar to demi-gods or angels) that work under the watchful eye of Olodumare. Thanks in advance. Especially among women, Oshun holds a great significance. These deities and orishas are some of the most powerful and well-respected According to Yoruba mythology, Oba gave Shango her ear to eat, which eventually leads to their separation. WebDetails of some of the highly developed spiritual /belief systems that existed in African civilisations prior to European invasion. I recently bought a statue with Jesus on his cross and the 7 Orishas around him. A great, lasting one makes way for a civilization to flourish. After the creation of the earth and people, Ogun is said to have climbed down to earth on a spiderweb with the other gods. 1. Oya ya is the goddess of winds, lightning, and violent storms, death, and rebirth. Another belief revolves around reincarnation. Mischief is something that doesnt go unnoticed in African mythology in general. Being the Goddess of Rivers, Oshun is often attributed to being the lifeblood of the Niger River. The lush continent of Africa is in fact home to numerous animals and insects found only on the continent, as well as beautifully diverse groups of people, each retaining their breathtaking cultures of yore. Some recollections tell us that there are as many as 700, 900 or even 1,440 Orishas around. I would like to share a picture that was revealed to me from Oshun. Anansi the Spider: Stories & Mythology | Who is Anansi? Whenever she does lose her temper though she causes the waters to be violent, attacking and taking down even the mightiest ships because of her sorrows. While fables offer imaginative explanations, there is no doubt that the Orisha pantheons followers make it their lifestyle to uphold the norms and practices imposed by these deities. Bumba is represented as a giant, white-colored figure that has been ill for millions of years, which explains the use of vomit to create life on Earth. Due to this, she also holds domain over psychological qualities such as intuition and clairvoyance. Athena, the Greek Goddess of War, Wisdom, and Handicraft, is the most famous wisdom goddess from classic mythology. --~Attributes and Correspondences~--. You may choose to work with individual Orishas OR learn how to invoke the Seven African Powers together at the end of this article! Dialogue Institute. The natural world generally flourishes with life. 5th: Oya. Obatala also values forgiveness and compassion as they once made a mistake and neglected their duties. Yemonja is the Orisha of the ocean. 7th: Yemaya. They typically depict the 7 saints the Orishas are syncretized with but the power is the same. All of which will be detailed below. The Yoruba, Dogon, and Kuba peoples of Africa worshipped many deities or orishas. As I grow older Im wanting more and more info even joined groups on fb but afraid to say anything because everyone who most talk in the groups are practicing already and I dont understand some of their post. Both revered and feared, Obaluaye is well respected by the followers, and he is said to curse you as quickly as he can heal you. I called out to them as I could name them. Mythology #3: As a result, African mythology stretches across nearly all African cultures. $37.00. As Ras sworn enemy, he fought the sun god every night. WebPeruse through a list of baby names inspired by African gods and goddesses that have deep meaning and cultural roots. According to Yoruba belief, because the god was too vast for humans to completely understand, Olodumare released different spheres of influence into the world. Hers can be spelled: Yemoja, yemaya, Iemanj, etc. One thing is for sure, though, every Orisha is unique and has a specific cosmic purpose assigned to their wake. Baptism by water invokes her purifying essence. Since the river flows through Iwo, the people of Iwo are often referred to as the children of the Oba River. Oshun has appeared to me in mediation and even crown me. But while Africa does have an abundance of those elements, it also has a ton of beautifully diverse people and cultures that have lived amongst each other for thousands of years now. This is the list of orisha youll find more information below: Obatala; Shango; Ogun; Ochossi; Ossain; Eshu; Omulu; Oshumare; Yemaya; Oshun; Oya; Nana. Im kind of confused because I dont think about Orisha and the religion at all, if not barely except for the time I see it mentioned once or twice in a while on twitter- but I think this dream must be significant? To cite this article in an academic-style article or paper, use: Syed Rafid Kabir, "12 African Gods and Goddesses: The Orisha Pantheon", History Cooperative, July 2, 2022, Saraswati. I feel like its a lifeline. She is an orisha too right? Aj Shaluga is responsible for providing fair wages to their people for work activities and money to cover the needs of Yoruba families. READ MORE: Sun gods and goddesses. They are described as androgynous. Neffertia received her B.S. This basket is full of potions and healing herbs, since she is also often times referred to as the Goddess of Botany. Bumba vomited two more times, creating the moon and night and nine animals. Because of his fear of being separated from his twin sister, Ogo rebelled against his father causing himself to be muted and wander alone on the outskirts of human society. Okay! Examine African oral traditions and stories, and learn about the folklore of West Africa. It should go without saying that if you plan to invoke and work with the Seven African Powers for healing, abundance, fertility, etc. She is actually often times honored and celebrated by the Igbo people, especially so during the yearly yam festival. No, the 7 African powers when called on for ritual or a need wouldnt interact negatively with any other energy in the home. Orunmila is a prime example of it. Even though the guide (?) Ive always been drawn to wanting to understand African spirituality since I was a teenager but at that time if you tried to go to the library to look up info there was only a couple of books out. Filtering the very essence of wrath and fury, he was the bringer of thunder and brimming masculinity. After reading about her, her colors are some of my favorite colors, especially yellow! She uses her abilities to Nana Buluku is primarily found in the Fon religion but is also known among the Yoruba people. Be smart and respectful. Very in depth. Athena is the most famous goddess of wisdom from the ancient world. theyre is yorba and santaria when it comes to orisha practices and for both the storys are diffrent so i would justmake sure youre following someone who is yorba or santaria depending on what you desires . I connect with you on this on every level . The Seven African Powers are seven of the most potent and venerated Orishas. i very much appreciate this information, thank you. Her watch over the seas sustains life as it is and seals her importance as a motherly figure in the pantheon and the entirety of African mythology.

Kibuka would then go ahead of the warriors to clear their paths and ensure their victory. The Alaafin was the head of one of the largest Yoruba states. Such deities may correspond to earthly and celestial phenomena or to human values, pastimes, and institutions, including love, marriage, hunting, war, and the arts. Oshun is depicted in the Yoruban religion as a protector and savior of the people. WebAfrican Myths and Egyptian Gods: A Captivating Guide to African Mythology and Gods of Ancient Egypt (World Mythologies) Part of: World Mythologies (7 books) | by Matt Clayton About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket The Origin of Hotdogs, The History of Boracay Island in The Philippines. It also gave you a brief overview of the Yoruba and Santeria religions. She is crowned the Queen of the river Niger. An error occurred trying to load this video. Athena. In West African Yoruban belief system, Ogun is one of the orishas. Most of the time they are depicted as both a male and a female orisha, and their followers are always thanking them for providing them with fair wages and plenty of work opportunities to keep their families fed and happy. Due to its diversity, African religions can be classified into countless smaller ones. WebMami Wata continues to be an important part of African mythology today, representing the power of the natural world and the mysteries that lie beneath its surface. as i have not invoked any of them they just showed up. Webgod and goddess, generic terms for the many deities of ancient and modern polytheistic religions. Among the Yoruba people, Olokun is the goddess of the waters. I have three of the seven powers already in my home: Ellegua, Ogun, and Obatala. A note on online sources: Ive done considerable research on the Seven African Powers, and I find it interesting that because of the forced syncretization of the Seven African Powers with seven Catholic saints, some sources claim the original 7 were never Orishas. Anyhoot, I started immersing myself in Nigerian culture, 1st with the Nollywood movies and the AfroBeats music and eventually with some of the food. --~Attributes and When Obatala was unable to create, Oduduwa stepped in as creator. While it may seem the war god is a single purpose deity, war gods and goddesses are varied in their functions. Artemis (Greek) Artemis is a goddess of the hunt in Greek mythology. At the start of the rainy season, the Yoruban people partake in a festival to show their appreciation for Oko. And what better tool to carry it out than the trusty old iron? Thank you for this article and my help you could give. Lions, elephants, vast stretches of the jungle with venomous snakes, or an endless sea of sand stalked by nefarious scorpions. Like the weathers unpredictability, she also commandeers the essence of constantly changing the natural world so it may continue flourishing. He is the best weapon wielder in the Orisha. Thank you for sharing. She has a master's degree in Mythological Studies. Thank you for this message. Eshu is said to be a protective and benevolent spirit who needs to receive constant appeasement in order out fulfill his assigned functions. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Her blessings ensure that the water remains clean and fishes remain plenty, giving the people a peek into her somewhat empathetic side. Hence, the material having a specific personality induced a sense of wonder and natural instinct among those who believed in its smithing magic. Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle Deck and Guidebook Set (45 cards)(standard version) Go to cart. This belief has been with the Yoruba religion for many generations now, and it refers to the idea that deceased family members will be reborn as babies after their passing. ?.are you familiar with this entity. This is why you will often times find Yoruba people named after their departed parents or grandparents in case they look alike. Whichever way she is depicted, she is always shown to be a motherly being with nothing but divine power at her fingertips. Igbo is one of the oldest African religions around, with Ala being one of their oldest and most popular goddesses. Pinterest While the Yoruba mythology is by far the most popular, we also recommend checking out some of the other religions here if you have the time for it. I was trying to find out more, and then stopped. Olokun is the ruler of the waters of Earth and is presented as both god and goddess depending on the religion. Hades and Persephone Was it Really a Love Story? Good weather brings peace to mind momentarily. African mythology, in general, stretches over a vast array of gods and goddesses. The first African God on our list is the goddess Oya. Ty for your helpful guidance. I will gather all that was listed above to use. I believe my sister has cast a hex on me. WebAfrican Supreme God Tore African God of Hunting Abaluyia (Vugusu) mythology Wele Abaluyia (Vugusu) God of Creation Alur and Dinka mythology Jok Alur and Dinka God of Rain Ambundu mythology Kabundungulu Ambundu Hero God Sudika-mbambi Ambundu God of Thunder Ankore mythology Rugaba Ankore God of Creation Anuak and Shilluk Anansi Anansi was one of the sons of Nyame. Orunmila - God of wisdom, knowledge and divination. She is the daughter of the elder god Chukwu and wife of Amadioha, the sky deity. I felt like water had come over me and I was breathing under the water. African gods is a series on the mythology of African gods and goddesses. Am Nigeria am have the five of orisha powerful these are:obatala,sango,ogun,osun and esu. 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